If you are having trouble logging into Branching Minds, or are noticing that you are being redirected back to the login page after entering your login credentials, follow these steps:
Check the link: If you are having trouble logging in, you could be logging in with the incorrect link. Your login URL will vary based on your district, so you can check in with your RTI or MTSS coordinator to confirm your login URL, or you can reach out to the Branching Minds support team.
Check your account: Users must login with a specific email when accessing Branching Minds. If you are someone who uses multiple accounts, it's possible that you've simply logged in with the wrong one. When logging in with Google, make sure that the Google account you are logged into is the same as the email used for Branching Minds. Make sure that you are seeing the option to select a Google account after clicking the "Login with Google" button. If you are being rerouted back to the login page without seeing the option to select a Google account, try clearing your cache or try logging in using incognito mode.ย
Check the rosters: Check in with your district's data coordinator or RTI/MTSS coordinator to make sure that you should have access, and your name and email are being provided to BRM correctly without any typos.
If you log in through Clever
Check if you are listed as a district administrator in Clever. District administrators will need to log in using the district admin log in link in the lower right hand corner of their district Clever portal.
Still having trouble?
If you're still having trouble, reach out to Branching Minds support via the chat button or email us at support@branchingminds.com to let us know your name and email that is being sent by your district, and we'll help!