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New Support Cards for Florida Center for Reading Research Activities
New Support Cards for Florida Center for Reading Research Activities

Find out about our new free reading activity support cards and how to add them to your library

Updated over a week ago

The Branching Minds Support Library contains several support cards that offer resources and activities from the Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR). These high-quality resources have recently been updated and reorganized within the Support Library in order to be more accessible to the teachers who will be using them.

The FCRR activities are now organized into lesson sets so that teachers can have access to about 1-2 weeks' worth of lessons and activities within one support card. Of course, you are not required to use all of the activities in a set and you can choose which one(s) will be best for your students.

Within each support card, you will find a list of the lessons included in the set, the benefits of using that particular set of lessons, how to implement them, the list of materials you would need to teach the whole set, and links to each individual lesson.

These lesson sets can be found within the Reading Library and are organized by topic (i.e., phonics, vocabulary, fluency, etc.). You will find the appropriate lesson set when filtering by sub-topic, but you can also find all of the FCRR supports by simply searching “FCRR”.

To add the new FCRR supports to your library, follow these steps:

  1. A user with permission to manage the supports library can click on the Gear icon on the bottom left corner of the page and click Supports.

2. From the Manage Support Library page, select the relevant school(s). Then search for the FCRR supports using the Search Bar on the top right.

3. The supports will then be listed with a checkbox to indicate if they have been marked as either Available or School Recommended. Check the box if you would like to change these settings. This is how you can add the updated FCRR supports to your library and you can de-select the previous versions of the FCRR supports (if desired).

4. If you’d like to learn more about a specific support, click on the support icon/title.

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